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I am pretty sure that a some NPC gives you Charmander when you beat a certain Gym, the NPC should be in the same city, its the same for bulbasaur and squirtle, there are 3 different NPC's outside 1 or 2 gyms that give you the Pokemon if you defeat the gym leaders. I got Bulbasaur by defeating (?Lt. Surge?) and talking to an NPC in the same town.

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Q: How do you get Charmander in Pokemon Red?
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Is Charmander Squirtle and Bulbasaur the starter Pokemon in Pokemon red?

yes they are the starters

What Pokemon game has Charmander as a starter Pokemon?

Charmander is one of the three starter Pokemon, along with Bulbasaur and Squirtle in these games: Blue, Red, FireRedand LeafGreen.

Where to find carmander in Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot find a Charmander on Pokemon diamond. You have to get it from Pokemon Fire Red or Pokemon Leaf Green. Charmander is a starter Pokemon, so you don't have to catch it.

In Pokemon Diamond when you have the National Pokedex where do you catch Charmander?

You can't catch Charmander in Pokemon Diamond. You have to import it from Leaf Green or Fire Red.

Where can you catch Charmander in Pokemon platinum?

migrate from fire red

Which Pokemon is the best starter in Pokemon Red?

charmander because hes easy to level

What are the starters on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle. like in Pokemon fire red

How do you get an charmelion in Pokemon Pearl?

You have to migrate it or a charmander from Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green.

What does charmander the Pokemon evolve into?

Charmander evolves into Charmeleon, a Fire-type Pokemon. It has an appearance of a red dinosaur with a horn on its head with a flame at the tip of its tail.

Where do you get the Pokemon Charmander Or skitty in red rescue team?

I believe you can get charmander in fiery feild. im not sure about skitty

Which Pokemon game can you get Charmander on?

The oldest one that has Charmander in it is Pokemon Red or Pokemon Blue. They are for game boy advance. Then there is Fire Red and Leaf Green which are for the game boy Advance. In each of these games you can get Charmander from Proffesor Oak. When he tells you to pick a Pokemon then one of the Pokeballs has Carmander in it. The other two are Bulbasaur and Squirtle.