You can find Bonsly in the Trophy garden.
level 21
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
breed sudowoodo dufis :P
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
Bonsly is a Rock type pokemon.
imposible there is no such thing as bonsly in Pokemon emerald
You can find Bonsly in the Trophy garden.
Munchlax is a 4th generation Pokemon meaning it only exist in diamond and pearl and platinum and heartgold and soulsilver so that means munchlax is not a Pokemon you can get in firered. Though in Pokemon xd gale of darkness you can witness munchlax even though you can't get it you can see it and also you can see and use bonsly in the game.
You can't fight nor catch bonsly.
Bonsly is #438 in the national pokedex, and it is a Rock type Pokemon.
In the Trophy Garden
You get a boy and a girl sudowoodo and take them to the Pokemon daycare and you get bonsly this don't work i try it
go to pal park go in the grass to get bonsly it is a 50 out of 50 chance
It is a play on words. Bonsai - a miniature tree, plus 'sly' - Bonsly is a deceiver in a way, pretending to be a tree when it is in fact a rock pokemon.
first beat the Pokemon league,the talk to Mr.Backlot in the Pokemon mantion and say yes both times he will say a name of a Pokemon. If its not bonsly try again tomorrow. if it is bonsly go to the garden and look for bonsly. it will be hard to find teach it mimic then level it up it will then evolve