Arcus doesn't have a cursed form but if you give it a dread plate its type changes to dark type. If you give it a spooky plate its type changes to ghost type.
that is not true there is a curse form programed into the game copy and paste this link to see the info on serebii
First off, it isn't "cursed" form of any sort. It's ??? form. A form of Arceus isn't named after a move of any sort (he's not called "Flame Wheel-Form" in Fire-Form, is he?), it's named after the type. And Curse's "type" is ???.
Secondly, there isn't a way to get him. While this seems sort of stupid, the real reason the Sprite is there is to prevent the game from crashing, in case anyone were to hack a ???-type plate for him to hold. They probably found the sprite by looking through the game's files.
And no, using Roost on a Flying-Form Arceus won't make him ???-type. :P It just makes him typeless, without any weaknesses or resistances. ~vaati000
You can find cursed Arceus in map 16...And im map 16 you can find many cursed pokemon if you defeat all gym leaders.
arceus is jewel of life when dialga,palkia and girantina attack it change its form so that make arceus immortal
Yes, there were many events giving them away. The parts of a normal Arceus that are white turn yellow in the shiny form. This is true no matter what plate it holds.
no arceus can not evolv but u can make him change type and form if u give hip a plate to hold e.g. flame plate turns him into a fire type.
Arceus doesn't have an evolved form; however, you can change his elemental type based on what plate you make him hold. The plates are scattered throughout Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. -DJAikou
You can find cursed Arceus in map 16...And im map 16 you can find many cursed pokemon if you defeat all gym leaders.
There is no true Arceus God Form. I have heard of it, but it is only accessible by hacking your game.
Arceus - he is the Pokemon god the best is Raquaza ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I say Arceus and giritina origin form i think its Arceus and Mew
arceus is jewel of life when dialga,palkia and girantina attack it change its form so that make arceus immortal
Yes it can, they have an equal chance on winning depending on the moveset and item/plate they're holding.
Yes. His final form is Arceus.
arceus is white colour it's shiny form is gold it can change colour depending on what plate it holds
there is no Arceus Omega.
Some myths say so (personally I think they're men who were cursed to take the form of a wolf, I don't think they're witches)
Yes, there were many events giving them away. The parts of a normal Arceus that are white turn yellow in the shiny form. This is true no matter what plate it holds.
Arceus has the highest number of forms out of any Pokemon besides Unown. Arceus has 18 different forms all dependent on which of the 17 Plates it is holding. Each form is a different Type matching the Type of the Plate it is given to hold. When Arceus isn't holding a Plate it will default to the Normal type.
arceus and darkrai no shaymin no but u cant get sky form