Arceus doesn't have an evolved form; however, you can change his elemental type based on what plate you make him hold. The plates are scattered throughout Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
Arceus doesn't evolve because it is a legendary Pokemon
It doesn't evolve or have a pre-evolution
no arceus can not evolv but u can make him change type and form if u give hip a plate to hold e.g. flame plate turns him into a fire type.
You will need to have Arceus to hold a Flame Plate and its Multitype ability will change its type to Fire. You can obtain the Flame Plate in Stark Mountain in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Alternatively, you acquire a Flame Plate by showing a hiker in Oreburgh Mine an Arceus in Pokemon Platinum only.
No Arceus does not evolve.[It will if you cheat-I think.]
Arceus doesn't evolve.
Arceus did not evolve from any Pokémon.
Arceus doesn't evolve because it is a legendary Pokemon
You can`t evolve an Arceus.It`s a legendary
arceus does not evolve at all!
Yes. His final form is Arceus.
Arceus is a legendary, and all legendary's except manaphy do not evolve. Hope this helps.
It doesn't evolve or have a pre-evolution
No! Of course Dialga does not evolve into Arceus! If you are playing Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, weren't you paying attention in Canalave library? Professor Rowan specifically said, "LEGENDARY POKEMON DO NOT EVOLVE. SO ARE WE TO ASSUME THAT THEY ARE COMPLETE AS CREATURES?" And the last time I checked, Dialga and Arceus are both legendaries...
im gonna answer it in one simple sintence... legenderies dont evolve as in no dialga dosent evolve into arceus
Sorry, but no. I have a Lv.100 Arceus (shiny) , ans it never evoloved. (I gave it to me mate, Owen)