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speak whit everyone you meet and the poketch guy who gives you a new aplication for each badge.

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Q: How do you get All 25 Poketch Apps?
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Related questions

How many poketch apps are there in pearl?

there are 25 apps for the poketch.

If you do the cheat for the ds action replay all apps for poketch does that mean you also get the poketch?

no,but when you do get the poketech you will have all the apps

How many poketch apps are their?

there are 21 poketch apps

How do you get all poketch apps in diamond?

find them

How many poketch apps are there?

There are 16 poketch apps in the whole game.

How do you get all the poketch apps on diamond?

look for them all over sinnoh

What is poketch number 21?

there is only 19 poketch apps

How do get poketch 23 for pearl?

Poke Tech 23,24,and 25 are all obtained through Nintendo Events. For a list of all the Apps go to:

What are the 21 poketch apps?


Hwere is all poketch apps in diamond?

in the land of orecavach(off of route 209)

How do you get all the poketch apps in Pokemon pearl when i did get it i connot find it?

you can find all of the poketch apps in jubilife city but you have to of completed all of the gyms before you can get them all. first you have go to jubilife city. 2 you have to go to the tv room.3 you have to talk to the guy next to the counter.

What was the Nintendo event that gave you the poketch apps stopwatch and alarmclock I'm really ticked off because when I look them up all I get is obtained from Nintendo event?

If you have an action replay there is a code for all poketch apps im not sure of the code but it does exsist.