play until u get 999 coins the buy the rest
well you can do it with cheats or by yourself
cheat, or play your heart out in games
Buy one from the Celadon Game Corner. It costs 9999 coins.
put the amulet coin on to your first Pokemon in your team then keep on beating the elite four and the campion about15 times then spend most of the money/or all of it / on 10,000 coins
Purchase them
play until u get 999 coins the buy the rest
you need i think 9999 coins from the game corner, either 9999 or 6500, but after you have enough coins you go to the house next to the game corner in celadon and buy a porygon
well you can do it with cheats or by yourself
cheat, or play your heart out in games
Buy one from the Celadon Game Corner. It costs 9999 coins.
you can find porygon in the building next to the lottery in celdon talk to middle guy and have 9,999 coins You can buy a Porygon at the game center using the coin case in the largest city (whose name I temporarily forgot).
You need 9999 coins in the Voltorb flip game in the game corner in the Kanto region.
Go to the game conner and win or buy 9999 coins, then cash it in for a porygon at the prize person in the game conner.
who does not know?[answer: freaks] play games at the game corner in celdon city, I got 9999 coins, so i have the maxumum amount. go me, go me, go go, go me!
In Johto (Starter region), in Goldenrod City, you can trade coins you earn from the game corner for abra:200 coins, Ekan (heartgold only): 700 coins, Sandshrew (soulsilver only): 700 coins, and Dratini for 2100 coins. In Kanto in Celadon City, you can get a Mr.Mime for 3333 coins, Eevee for 6666 coins, and a Porygon for 9999 coins.