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Buy one from the Celadon Game Corner. It costs 9999 coins.

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Q: How do you get Porygon in Pokemon Gold?
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What do you do with the upgrade in Pokemon Gold?

You give it to a Porygon and trade it, to get a Porygon 2.

Pokemon Ranger- where is Porygon?

there is porygon-2 but not porygon. porygon-2 is in oil field hideout

What type of Pokemon is Porygon-Z?

Porygon-Z is a Normal type pokemon.

What is an up grade on Pokemon platinum?

An Up-Grade is an item that evolves the Pokemon Porygon when Porygon is traded while holding it. Porygon evolves into Porygon 2.

How do you get a Porygon in Pokemon Diamond?

you cant find a porygon ,you can find it in Pokemon pearl or on platinum

Is Porygon a psychic Pokemon?

No, Porygon is a Normal-type Pokemon. However, it can become Psychic-type if the opposing Pokemon uses a move of that type and Porygon then uses Conversion.

Can you catch a Porygon 2 in the wild?

It is Impossiple to catch Porygon 2 in Pokemon soul silver, and heart gold. The only way to obtain Porygon 2 in Soul Silver, and Heart Gold, is to trade a Porygon holding the Up-Grade with a friend, or with yourself. You can find the Up-Grade at the Silpho Co. Building by talking to the people on the first floor.

What Pokemon evllvs when treaded with Up-Grade on Pokemon pearl?

That Would be Either Porygon or Porygon-2

How do you get porygon in Pokemon pearl?

Porygon is found rarely in the Trophy Garden.

What Pokemon evolves with the up-grade?

porygon evolves into porygon 2

What does a upgrade do in Pokemon FireRed?

If you give it to porygon and trade it, porygon will evolve

Im looking to trade away Porygon in heart gold or soul silver please offer me some Pokemon?

Well, suscribe to my page, tell me what you want and how is your Porygon, and let's see if we trade it.