There is no fast way to get slayer up, the best way is to do your assignments and train your other skills while doing it, you also make a pretty penny from 1-65 slayer, herbs are good to collect for quick cash.
By killing what your slayer masters tell you to kill which differ from each master. Train on it and do not get distracted at all if you do this you will achieve it.
OSRS Slayer Change: 91 Slayer Req of Cerberus and Certain Boss to Slayer,Boss Slayer assigns a specific boss for players to kill,Cerberus now requires 91 Slayer,The abyssal bludgeon is added in the Abyss Boss,Whether can new content overlap existing level requirement? buy 07 rs gold at RSorder with 6% discount code:RSABC Fast delivery in 5 mins.
There are four or five words; the exact order is different for every player. If you don't remember the order of the words, I believe you can go ask again.
The important thing is to carry a mirror shield with you. Otherwise, the cockatrice will quickly lower your combat stats. You can buy a mirror shield from any slayer master, or from the Grand Exchange.
A quest walkthrough for Demon Slayer can be found here: Slayer
By killing what your slayer masters tell you to kill which differ from each master. Train on it and do not get distracted at all if you do this you will achieve it.
OSRS Slayer Change: 91 Slayer Req of Cerberus and Certain Boss to Slayer,Boss Slayer assigns a specific boss for players to kill,Cerberus now requires 91 Slayer,The abyssal bludgeon is added in the Abyss Boss,Whether can new content overlap existing level requirement? buy 07 rs gold at RSorder with 6% discount code:RSABC Fast delivery in 5 mins.
Boss slayer will replace a regular assignment,Four worlds requires minimum total level to access them,50% off rs 2007 gold will come on August 24 at RSorder!
Slayer usually gets it
65 rs
Level 92 combat and requires 65 slayer to get to
That was the Wish of Benzir
Well, I do not know your slayer level, but I can say Slayer is one of the most profitable and exciting skills to train your combat. Slayer is a slow skill so I would be uncertain on how long you are willing to fight monsters. The only way to train Slayer is by getting Slayer tasks from the Slayer masters so try there first. Speaking to the Slayer master in the Edgeville Dungeon should be good for you. If your Slayer level is low then try speaking to the lower-level Slayer masters first and then build up to better ones.
in 1997 they did not have speed governors. i have a 97 rs with aftermarket turbo and i can go as fast as i want! in 1997 they did not have speed governors. i have a 97 rs with aftermarket turbo and i can go as fast as i want!
There Really is no way to raise it fast it just depends on your slayer monster / Master higher the Master The better the monster...Better Exp
Slayer rules because they are fast, agressive, loud, and not afraid to speak their minds. They are a very good release for anyone, and REALLY fun to headbang to!