same way you would get two flags. steal them from other trainers.
You need to steal 50 flags from nearby friend's bases.
you have to either catch a legendary or raise a Pokemon
find an elekid and you have a 50% chance it will be holding an electirizer.
How to communaite with flags?Why do we have flags?What do we use them for?
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
take 50 flags in the underground
To get stars on Pokemon platinum here is what you have to do... get 50 flags underground win 100 battles in a row at the battle tower beat the Pokemon league 10 times
50 flags stolen=platinum(remove all rocks in base) 10 flags stolen=gold(remove 10 rocks in base) 3 flags stolen=silver(remove 5 rocks in base) 1 flag stolen=bronze(remove 1 rock in base)
go to there base and then go to there PC.Look to the right and you can see there flags . Press A on it and you will get there one of there flags . Take
You need to steal 50 flags from nearby friend's bases.
you have to either catch a legendary or raise a Pokemon
the same way you take your friends flags
beat 50 trainers
In Platinum, you have to beat the Elite Four, win a Master Rank Contest, win 100 consecutive battles in the Battle Tower, capture 50 flags in the underground and catch all 493 pokemon.
Only the togepi egg has 50% of being shiny
all of them should be around level 50-60
you need to get flags from plauing with your friends underground. the flags will be in there base so if you find it take the flag and run