Impossible you can only carry 999 of anything in your bag then once you do this every thing else is emptyed out in that poket
Yes there is a cheat for it in emerald which i have but if u use it ur key items will be messed: Have all Poke balls 085938bb 99ff313d 2dafd739 5d796510
to get poke balls is you need to have the mob. and if you have it get a krafting table and get red wool and a bit of iron and put the iron in the middle. if this dose not help triy gogle.
3 pokeballs= 800 poke 1 super potion= 700 poke You do the math.
yes the cheat counts for all poke'balls
yes but only on the Pokemon in pal park not anywhereelse
50000000000000 + 50000000000 = 50050000000000
Dude no such thing as 999 poke balls OK maybe only there's 100
On what game?
depends is it the poke balls cuz all u gotta do is buy them at the poke mart
buy them from the poke mart if you have a lot of money.
Ultra balls.
great ball
go to a poke mart go to a poke mart
when you can get into a pokemart that sells great balls
try poke balls on rayquaza. they worked for me.
In the poke-mart or you can find them in the wild.
yes they are real