you need to have 75% quest points and ride a pegisus over the water to him
you need to go to decay graveyard find shovel go down hallway of haunted house then you need a diving helmet and 4 star tack which you can buy at tack store for like 10.5 million for the set.
p.s top answer is wrong!
Its in the GeneralStore on GlacierTon
You either have to grow it on your ranch or buy it.
He is east of president village.
He resides in the reef off of Lost Isle. However, his guardian is on Lost Isle, so the guardian must be appeased before entrance to the reef is granted.
The URL for HorseIsle 2 is under the 'Related Links'
It is impossible to hack HorseIsle 2, as well as strictly illegal.
No. Horse Isle and Horse Isle 2 are flash web-based games.
HorseIsle workbook number 2 is under the Hoof Isle fountain.
All you have to do to start playing HorseIsle 2 is sign up at the website, then quest for money, buy/catch horses, compete in events and play with friends! The HorseIsle 2 site has some good help videos and forums.
at least 2
No it cannot.