Keep kayaking for her and wait for more courses, spoiler alert u eventually face Margaret and race against each other.
To fulfill hugh, simply achieve a gold+hard mode of the ghost minigame and hook him up with johnny
All you have to do is basically fulfill all the characters.i myslef have not done that so i cant help you on how to fulfill them all, but the characters will give hints and tips so you'll eventually finish. Good Luck!!
U can't marry on my sims KINGDOM. i think you can on my sims or one of those games! goodness, dont be so harsh whom ever wrote the awnser above, im sorry, but he/she is right you can't get married on my sims kingdom ds
angry sad angry
All you have got to do is keep trying!
To fulfill hugh, simply achieve a gold+hard mode of the ghost minigame and hook him up with johnny
I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions
I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions
I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions
I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions
All you have to do is basically fulfill all the characters.i myslef have not done that so i cant help you on how to fulfill them all, but the characters will give hints and tips so you'll eventually finish. Good Luck!!
dead :(
U can't marry on my sims KINGDOM. i think you can on my sims or one of those games! goodness, dont be so harsh whom ever wrote the awnser above, im sorry, but he/she is right you can't get married on my sims kingdom ds
you get them from torjiros place.
you have to beat the terrible kayaking
You have to get a bronze medal in Kayaking