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You need to:

Build an embassy

Get it to level 3.

Then, go in your embassy and you will get the option.

n.b. Tag is a shortened name for the alliance (the one displayed in stats) and name is the full one (only displayed on the alliance page.

So you could have:

Tag: Eg Name: Example


Tag: Example Name : Example works.

No 2 tags can be the same per server (unless one deletes/ changes).

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Q: How do you form an alliance in Travian?
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How do you make a alliance in Travian?

To make an alliance in Travian, you must have an embassy then level it up until the embassy is level 3 then you can make alliances.

What is a good Travian alliance name?

UGIRA---- United Galactic Imperial Republic Alliance

How do you join an alliance on Travian?

You can join an alliance when you have built an embassy level 1, and have invitation to the alliance from the alliance leader. You can then accept the invitation from inside the embassy.

What is an alliance on travian?

an alliance is like a crew, a group of people or 1 if your a loner that create an alliance(crew)and you can chat create forums etc...

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Go to optins, alliance diplomacy, write the alliance name and chose Offer a confederation pact

How do you make an alliance in Travian?

you have to build a embassy and upgrade it to level 3. then go into the embassy and you will see an option to create an alliance

How do you accept an invitation to an alliance on travian?

You open your inbox and click "join alliance" Actually you have to have an embassy to join an alliance. Build one then click on it, and viola, you'll get to join an alliance. After that, read the instructions.

What are some good travian alliance names?

IDTS! - i dont think so PFF - play for fun

How do you join an alliance in Travian?

First you must have an embassy level 1. You will then be able to receive and accept invitations from various alliances that have invited you.

How do you break an alliance on travian?

If you mean 'delete' it, get rid of it so it is no longer there, it only auto deletes once EVERYONE in the alliance quits. So to delete, kick everyone then leave. If you mean how do I leave, go to the alliance page > Options > Quit alliance > type your password in the box and click ok.

What does Ce' Travian Mean?

this travian

What happens if you build the wonder of the world in travian?

if you build it to 100, (it costs over 1 million of each resource) you and your alliance win the game, and the game ends.