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As Tails, or any other fly type character, you need to go off of one of the big yellow ramps, and by using the control stick, you can fly through the air by going through big rings in the air.

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Q: How do you fly with tails on sonic riders?
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Related questions

How old is tails in sonic riders?

He still is 8.

Can tails fly?

If you mean tails from sonic then yes.

Who is the character in sonic that can fly?

His name is Tails.

How can Tails fly you in Sonic 3?

You need to have TWO HUMAN players and have a game with Sonic and Tails.Have player 2 be Tails and fly in the air.Then have Sonic jump on him.You can then fly anywhere.You will still run out of flying stamina,though.

Is Silver in Sonic Free Riders?

As Silver was playable in the previous Sonic Riders game, he may be a playable character in Sonic Free Riders. Nope he is not in this game. There is only sonic, tails, knuckles, Amy, shadow, rouge, cream, Vector, a robot, wave, storm and the green hawk guy.

Who is tails?

Tails is a two tail fox who is friends with Sonic the Hedgehog. He can fly by spinning he's tails around he is in many of the sonic games. Tails is only 8 and he likes Cream the Rabbit

How do you fly in sonic 3 and knukles?

You only use 1 character at a time in Sonic Advance and Sonic advance 2. If Sonic and Tails are parteners in Sonic 3, he does follow him as a playable charcter. You cannot do this is Sonic 2 though.

Is tails from sonic a girl or a boy?

Well, honey, Tails from Sonic is a boy. His full name is Miles "Tails" Prower, and he's Sonic's loyal sidekick with two tails that help him fly. So, no need to second-guess it - Tails is definitely a dude.

How fast is tails?

he is slow but can fly with his tails and sonic can only run unless je is in his other forms

What mission do you on sonic riders?

Complete Sonic's, Tails', Amy's and Knuckles' missions for hero side, and Jet's, Wave's and Storm's missions for the Bablyon Rogues.

What characters are in Sonic Riders ZG?

The characters from the original sonic riders which are: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Jet, Wave, Storm, Dr Eggman, Amy, Shadow, Super Sonic. Plus some new ones: Silver, Blaze, 2 robots, Billy hatcher, Amigo.

Will Sonic Riders come out anytime soon?

Sonic riders, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity and Sonic Free Riders already exist.