If you have broken armour you fix it in your house.
If your Xbox is broken you can call Xbox Support maybe they cant tell you how to fix it. Or you can send it in a gaming store as some do fix it for you.
Yeah and then the person will fix it
use an extender charger
help me my toolbox just broken
Yes, I can fix a broken necklace for you.
If you have broken armour you fix it in your house.
instructions on how fix a broken finger
you could go to that store and see if they could fix it other wise it's broken for good (this is gonna be one of my last posts Pokemon masta rulez by!)
Yes, I can help you fix your broken necklace.
The cost to fix a broken starter depends on the type of starter and where a person goes to fix it. It can range from $50 to $200 to fix a broken starter.
replace it. when they go bad you can't fix them.
yea you can... it depends how it was broken.
It is not possible to fix a broken needle. You must remove the broken one and replace with a new needle.
The only fix for broken timing belt or chain is to replace it.
He will be able to fix the broken television. Subject: He.
Will he be able to fix the broken television? The subject in the sentence above is "he."