you go to a shop called playhouse they will fix it for you theres 1 in crayford
Laser burn may effect the reading of the disc.
metal and ants magma and fireworks oil, fuse, and fire ice and air player and laser (right click laser then left click player, then left click on the field. Use down button to make the player shoot laser.) powder first then seed on top of powder, then add clouds to make water. It will grow into a tree and you can burn it with fire
$5 per Person Make a day of it with your children by allowing them to express themselves creatively and construct their own obstacles. It is the most enjoyable aspect of laser tag games near me since it gets children up and moving, keeping them amused in an unplugged manner. The greatest laser tag setups provide a win-win situation for everyone involved. As a result of the high cost of laser tag games near me adventure, they might be an excellent option for your children to burn off some energy without having to go far. You can keep the minds of your children active by playing a game of laser tag with them. For more details about laser tag visit our website link in bio.
One additional use of lasers in entertainment is that of laser tag. Laser Quest is just one of numerous laser tag companies that are considered to be in the entertainment industry.
laser tag and paintball games in hyderabad is only with Fun Addaa
the only way to fix laser burns is to go to your nearest game store and ask if they have a profesional game cleaner and for a small fee of about £3.99 you can fix the laser burn
That is a laser burn it probably happened because you moved your xbox 360 while your game was running. Sorry laser burns are pernament you cant fix it.. Hope this Helped! TheKmar10
Laser burn may effect the reading of the disc.
Well a 20mw laser is to powerful it has a range of 3km but except few things it can burn nothing the things it can burn are matche sticks and stove it got a life time of 3000 hrs,to burn a stuff,paper or to pop a ballon u need a laser of or more than 50mw but u can make ur 20mw laser more powerfull the thing u need to do is go to youtube and seach how to make a 20mw laser a burning laser and it can burn the thing which a 50 mw laser can burn
It depends on how powerful the laser is. My guesses are: Laser pointer w/ safety component removed = first/minor second degree burn Government laser project = fourth degree/death
Laser angioplasty, in which a catheter with a laser tip is inserted to burn or break down the plaque.
take it to a dealer and see if they can fix it .the laser could be just dirty .if so run a cleaner through it that should clean the laser
Yes it will burn bloons light matches cool stuff yh
A laser pen does not have enough power to cause a match to burn. It requires about 400 degrees F. to light a might.
You can burn the surface of an LCD or plasma display with a laser that is either high intensity (Over 5 mw) or had its infrared filter removed. But then you can burn the surface of most plastics with a 50 mw laser pen.
"no, a wooden plaque can not be laser marked because it woods and wood can not be laser marked. It will burn it u tried to laser marked it, so the best thing to do us not laser marked it."