"This thread concerns two problems I experienced with the GOTY Edition of Batman Arkham Asylum. I was not able to start the game. First, the menu of the preferences was unreadable due to a error message with some bla bla like ".Net Framework error"....and the game start has been canceled due to a "General Protection Error"...many persons have exactly those problems. I did a few steps that helped me, but I don't know which one exactly gave me the solution. Repeat it and post, if it helped you.
1st step: Open C:\Programm Files (x86)\nvidia corporation\physx\common .... copy the 4 *.dll-files and paste them into the batman GOTY\binaries folder...
2nd step: Open \batman GOTY\bmgame\config folder ... open the defaultengine file and search for
Change them as seen here...put your right resolution here, mine was 1680x1050, change fullscreen and d3d10 to true. then change menu resoultion:
....I hope this helps you. Of course you need newest version of all your drivers and games for windows.....but orher threads already mentioned this. I use NET framework 4 with Windows 7 x64...."
I got this from another site a guy posted this .
Arkham Asylum came before Arkham City Asylum came out in 2009 City came out in 2011
No the game was never made Batman Arkham City was released after Batman Arkham Asylum
no there is no batman arkham asylum game for the playstation 2.
Batman Arkham Asylum was first.Batman Arkham City continued after it.I would say the second one is good cos you can do more moves and the place is HUGE!
haha no
Arkham Asylum came before Arkham City Asylum came out in 2009 City came out in 2011
Batman: Arkham Asylum will be $59.99 Batman: Arkham Asylum Collectores Edition will be $99.99
No the game was never made Batman Arkham City was released after Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham Asylum.
actually it is arkham asylum because that cameout first
Yes Batman Arkham Asylum is rated teen
No the game will be Batman Arkham city and it has been out
Batman arkham asylum 2 is not being released, but Batman Arkham City was released October 18, 2011 Batman Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year was released May 11, 2010
no there is no batman arkham asylum game for the playstation 2.
No the sequel for Batman Arkham Asylum is Batman: Arkham City Release Date: October 18, 2011
You should get batman Arkham Asylum especially for PS3 if you can. You can get the play as the Joker Challenge Map. But, Batman Arkham Aylum 2 is coming out this fall in 2010.
Yes. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City take place after The Dark Knight Rises.