to stop it from freezing i would turn the DS off and start the game again
press x
press start
When your in game, press start, this brings up the menu, select save and exit, this will bring you back to the starting menu.
On the main menu, before you start the game, there should be an option that says "New Game" or something. Click it and play. Then, when you're done, just save that game and it will override your first one.
go to main menu where you load your file and try the down button and start or up and start
Choose new game on the start menu.
press x
Go in the options menu and change the frame number to make your menu look different. start when the giratinia apears
press start
in the mystery gift section at the maim menu
yes, it is it is in your pokegear on your start menu
in the menu where they show the pokemon on the case press up+select+b
When your in game, press start, this brings up the menu, select save and exit, this will bring you back to the starting menu.
In the start menu (the menu where you select your game to start playing) you select "new game" and after wards, save that new game and it will replace your old game
The little screem that pops up when you press the start button
you cant but u can use wondermail at start menu