Start my making sure it is charged and connected to the PS3 by using the cable that comes with the PS3
If your PS3 is not reading inserted discs, you can fix it by restoring the system settings(it should work if your Blu-ray drive is functional).
Have you tried placing in a new hard drive? If not, try it. If it doesn't work, take it to a place where they fix PS3's or to the store where you bought the PS3 and see what they say.
Elite System Performance
I am not connect to the ps3
fix it.
Do control alt and the up arrow key. IF that doesnt work....... go to control panel and figure something out
If your PS3 is not reading inserted discs, you can fix it by restoring the system settings(it should work if your Blu-ray drive is functional).
it doesn't work!!
Buy a PS3. It is the only Playstation that reads blue ray discs and the discs are for the PS3 and could not be played on a PS2 if they could be read
Send it to a Nintendo company and they will fix it for free.
By purchasing a new controller when it is broken and does not work.
Bang it a couple times. If that doesnt work, take it to the nearest Video game fixer upper. :) or better stile chuck it out a top floor window and get a xbox 360 or ps3
It sounds like you have BOPBD (burned out ps3 blu ray drive). A problem common to all ps3 slim and fat users. Or it could be that your ps3 blu ray lens is dirty. If it is dirty there are some youtube videos witch show you how to open your ps3 and clean it. If cleaning the blu ray lens doesnt work youve got BOPBD. Nothing you can do other than check your warranty and have someone fix it for you or buy a new one and watch a youtube vid. on how to replace it yourself.
Because resetting it did not fix the problem. Do parts of it work and not others. what happens when you turn it on
Have you tried placing in a new hard drive? If not, try it. If it doesn't work, take it to a place where they fix PS3's or to the store where you bought the PS3 and see what they say.
Why doesnt your speedometer work on a 02 Mits Galant