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Get one of the three fishing rods and use them by any water when the ! appears press A

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Q: How do you fish in Pokemon diamond?
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In Pokemon diamond do you have to fish to get Krabby?

You do not have to fish to get Krabby in Pokemon Diamond. However you do need the National Pokedex to make Krabby swarms appear.

Where do you catch Finneon in Pokemon Diamond?

At route 218 get out your super rod and fish.

Where can you find relecanth in Pokemon diamond?

Fish with super rod on route 226

Where to find a horsey on Pokemon diamond?

Fish with good rod on route 226

Where do you find Lumineon in Pokemon Diamond?

fish by canalave with super rodA trainer has it on the way to the Pokemon league in the water

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Pokemon diamond

How do you catch feebas in Pokemon diamond?

Go to Mt. Coronet and on a certain floor you can fish for it!

How do you get a clampearl on Pokemon diamond?

You can fish it using a super rod in at routes 219 and 221.

Where to find a horsey in Pokemon diamond?

Go to route 226 and fish with good rod

Where to catch finneon in Pokemon diamond?

Fish with a Good Rod in Canalave City or Iron Island.

How do you catch whaler on Pokemon diamond?

Fish near Ever Grande City, Sootopolis, and Lillycove.

Were is finneon on Pokemon Diamond?

You can fish in various places using a good rod, such as fuego ironworks.