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Argh! it took me ages to figure out as well! as well as my sister! and everyone else! Well. you have to visit a wolf in each territory (check the map (M) for the territories then press run (Q) to go quicker over there.) Then it will say find mate. find a dispersal, male if your a fem, or a fem if your a male, and try to charm them. then save your game, and quit to slough creek. It will tell you to find a den. Follow the compass to a den and then if you want it, click the tick. (The best one is in saddle meadows. its far away from other wolves, and it says its far away from food but it ISNT!) Then you can have pups and name them. Then you have to train them, protect them, feed them, grow them and more. (You can rename your pups in the pack stats option in the menu) mark your territory also. with the pee button. (P) after all that is complete, oh aren't we in trouble! eagle eagle! your pups can drown now. its hard to keep them in one place! oh just you try to win now! even i can't do it and im great at the game! uh oh... your never gonna win without guts now.. ON THE LAST LEVEL!

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Q: How do you finish the first quest for WolfQuest?
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How do you unlock quests on WolfQuest?

you finish your other quest

How do you finish the first quest on WolfQuest?

The first quest is to find a mate. You need to visit all three territories before you can meet a disperal wolf, which is the type of wolf that will be your mate.

How do you play wolfquest 2 slough creek?

You must finish the first part of WolfQuest, Amethyst Mountain.

What is second quest in wolfquest?

There is only 1 wolfquest quest in wolfquest episode 1 but in wolfquest episode 2 coming this December 2009 there will be multiple quests!

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It depends on what quest.

What is the second quest in wolfquest?

The second quest in WolfQuest is where you and your mate look for a den, mark your territory, and protect and raise your pups.

What is the next quest on WolfQuest 2?

First Quest - Find a Mate.Second Quest - Raise your Family.Third Quest - ?Truth be told, WolfQuest 3 is not in development due to lack of funding available to do so. A third episode may be possible in the future with another NSF grant, but until then, WolfQuest isn't going to have another update any time soon!When a new episode is in development, Cana (WQ Coordinator) will keep us informed on the WolfQuest Forums (linked below) and in the WolfQuest Newsletter. ^^

How do you do deaths second quest on aqw?

Finish the First Quest! :P

How do you do the recycle quest at franktown rocks?

you have to finish the candy quest first then you start the recycling quest

Where do you log in on wolfquest?

go to wolfquest .com type in wolf quest register and wa la!!!!!!!!

When is the second quest in WolfQuest coming out?

fall of '09

Do you buy WolfQuest?

Wolf Quest is a free download.