After you beat whitene you go next door to the right and find a small house with floures around it. talk to the girl inside and she will give you the water pail
Hope i helped!
you must water it using either the squirtle bottle, or the water pail, then it will reveal it'self to be a pokemon!sudowoodo
you get it from the flower shop girl in Golden Rod City
You have to get the wailmer pail then walk over to the not full grown plant and press a
it's a sudowoodo, water it with the wailmer pail, get that in rustboro flower shop
Water it with the wailmer pail, and it attacks you. (It's actually a level forty something sudowoodo)
you mean squirtle pail or bottle? ifso then go to goldenrod city flower shop and talk to the flower lady it has to be A squrtle pail because i finished the game and got every Pokemon but not find water pail
In Pokemon Emerald the water pail is found in the flower/berry shop right out of the forest.
you must water it using either the squirtle bottle, or the water pail, then it will reveal it'self to be a pokemon!sudowoodo
use the watering pail.
you talk to the girl in the flower house and get the water pail from her. with this you can fight the fake tree(sudowoodo) and go to the next city
I do believe you can find it on Route 212.
get the wailmer pail from the flower store and water it!
you get it from the flower shop girl in Golden Rod City
if you have a wailmer pail go to the battle frontier and there is a weird looking tree and use the wailmer pail( it's a Swodowodo)
On route 104, just below Rustboro City, there is a flower shop with a berry patch just outside it. Talk to the ladies inside and on of them give you the Wailmer Pail.
Pail - like a water pail
you water it with a squirtle pail and try to catch the sudowudo