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Sometimes, you could find mineshafts under villages. But the best way to find mineshafts are exploring huge cave-systems.

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Q: How do you find mineshafts on Minecraft?
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Chests in Abandoned Mineshafts/Strongholds, Village farms, livestock (Pigs, Cows, Chickens)

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sometimes a bug in underground mineshafts but imposible to do by ureself. In minecraft 1.2.5

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Abandoned mineshafts are randomly generated, so just look underground.

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There are no villages or other structures in the demo version. You will notbe able to find strongholds, jungle temples, desert temples, mineshafts, or villages in the demo.

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Ravines are coded as "Generated Structures" to appear randomly around the map similarly to Abandoned Mineshafts, Strongholds, and Villages.

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If you mean generated structures such as abandoned mineshafts, NPC villages, and strongholds, than these cannot be found in the game yet, and can only be found in the PC version of Minecraft.

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Either by color/design, or with a nametag found in dungeons, mineshafts, and nether fortresses. Name the tag in the anvil first!

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You can find cobwebs in abandoned mine shafts and strongholds.

How do you find watermelon seeds in minecraft?

You will have to use the nether reactor, so start mining gold!