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Look for a mine on the map.

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Q: How do you find metallic ore in the wilderness?
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Where can you find rune ore in runescape?

there is some in the wilderness somewhere by lava i think

What is metallic ore and non metallic ore?

Metallic ores are those that contain metal elements, such as iron ore or gold ore, which can be extracted and processed to obtain the metal. Non-metallic ores are those that do not contain metal elements but may still have value, such as sand, gravel, or limestone, which are used in construction and manufacturing industries.

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How do you use the word metallic mineral in a sentence?

Galena is the metallic mineral ore of lead.

Which mineral has a metallic luster a black streak and is an ore of iron?


Where do you find gold ore in RuneScape?

Sorry for the little information, but you can find gold ore in the Al Kharid mines, i believe the Dwarf Mines, maybe somewhere in the wilderness, the Grand Exchange, and other players. All other places, I have no idea, sorry.

Ductile metallic element whose chief ore is columbite?


What is the special name for a metallic compound?

Alloy is a combination of metals with in an ore. This makes the ore un-pure and needs to be smelted seperatly.

What is the difference between metallic ore and non-metallic ore?

Metallic (I) a metallic ore is a substance which contains sufficient amount of metals in it which can be extracted(II)these are the extracts of substances in its impure form resembling any characteristics of metals(III)it includes iron,copper,silver etcNon Metallic(I)non metallic ores doesnt contains amount of metallic substances they contains other substances like amount of coal , petroleum etc(II)these are the extracts of substances in its impure form without resembling any characteristics of metals(III)it includes nitrate,limestone,potash etc

What is the transparency of iron ore?

The transparency of iron ore can vary depending on its form and impurities. Generally, iron ore is opaque to translucent, with some varieties exhibiting a metallic luster.

What factors determine the feasibility of mining a particular metallic ore of a certain site?

The purity of the ore, the value of the metal, the depth of the ore, ability to reach the area to be mined, the ability to transport the ore to a smelter, and the availability of resources needed to mine the ore.

Copper ore mineral coloured dark greyish black metallic lustre?
