You have to wait until Lickitongue is your mass outbreak:
Go to sandgem town (the 2nd town you go to)
walk straight down from the Pokemon center, go to the bigger house
Talk to the little girl and every day she will tell you what route you can find the Pokemon that has a mass outbreak
yes into lickiicky
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
You can find Aron only in Diamond.
No. A hippo isnt a pokemon.
well, dig isn't a HM in Pokemon diamond, but it is an TM. anyway, you can find it on route 214, inside a cave where you'll find the ruin maniac- the same place where you find hippopotas.
all you have to do is evolve lickitongue
<p> *You need a Golduck for this trade* In the building to the west (left) of Fuschia City, on the second level a Pokemon Trainer named Carlos will trade a Lickitongue for your Golduck. The Lickitongue will be Level 30.<p>
You can find Pidey in a Pokemon Outbreak in Pokemon Diamond
where do i find a totodile in Pokemon diamond/pearl on nintendods
You do not catch "lickitongue" in leaf green. You have to trade a slowbro for it in the intersection of the left of Fushia city.
You can not find or get manaphy on Pokemon diamond but you can by hacking, trading or... if you have Pokemon ranger you have to complete the manaphy mission and then you can put it onto diamond.
You can't find a Ho-ho in Pokemon Diamond. You have to migrate.
To get a Manaphy in Pokemon Diamond you have to get Pokemon ranger and defeat it and you have to trade it to Pokemon Diamond,Platinum or Pearl.
its not a Pokemon
Not really that rare... in Pokemon Diamond you can find Sunkerns on Route 204
you have to catch all of the pokemon in diamond or SEE all of the pokemon
you can find legendary Pokemon by using your Pokemon tracker