you try to make a wepon or eat worms, incects or what ever u can find
The Wilderness volcano.
Type your answer can find them in wilderness volcano or crandor
Look for a mine on the map.
Gates of the Arctic Wilderness was created in 1980.
It is rare to find in the wilderness,(also all the other starters are hard too)but you can get it on your first jirny (how do you spell that)
Berries,cranberries,and bark
yes some crows live in the canadian wilderness
The Canadian Wilderness.
85%.The rest are in the Canadian cities.
it will depend what you are asking about what finds food, plus you can find food all over the place it will proberly depends where you are proberly where are at.
The cast of The Great Canadian Wilderness - 2006 includes: Richard Comar as Narrator
You can get Canadian Food shipped to the US. Try Canada Only:
warm and sunny
"Brian's Return" is mainly set in the wilderness of the Canadian wilderness, where Brian Robeson embarks on a journey to reconnect with nature after his previous survival experience in the wilderness. The setting allows Brian to reflect on his past and find solace in the natural world.
Canadian Wilderness
The setting for the novel, 'Brian's Winter' by Gary Paulsen is an L-shaped lake in the Canadian wilderness. It's an incredible book about a young boy named Brian (protagonist) who is forced to stay alone in the wilderness through the winter after he is in a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness.