after you have almost every Pokemon on your first pokedex go in one of those little rectangular transporter(it leads to another city) .A man that looks like a scientist talk to him. hope this helps! :)
In Castelia city.. Is in one of the buildings last floor
how to get exp.share in pokemon blue
first go to Mr. Pokemon first have the red scale and he will give you it
breed an electabuzz if you want an elekid in Pokemon platinum
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
If you give a Pokemon not in battle an Expshare, the half of the experience points will go to that Pokemon. If you're in a double battle, and one of the Pokemon in battle has an Expshare, 3/4 of the experience points will go to it. It's a very useful item for training weak Pokemon.
go to mr stone
go out of the south exit of eterna city talk to the scientist if you have seen enogh Pokemon he will give you the exp.share hope i helped what do you mean "if u have enough Pokemon? plz answer below. he ment by "enough Pokemon" by seeing 35 Pokemon.
go to Eterna city and the cycle road right b4 youl c a scientist from rowans lab and hell give it to u if u regestered at least 20 pokemon in the pokedex
on th bike path heading south before you go out of the little border or watever there is a guy that gives it to you if you've seen 30+ Pokemon
In the Big building to the right of fuchsia city.
In Castelia city.. Is in one of the buildings last floor
how to get exp.share in pokemon blue
You can find the Exp. Share in Rustboro City or in the Lilycove Dept. Store.
u find it in icius city (where the ice gym is) in the house south of the gym aka the Pokemon fan club
buy the Pokemon platinum book
After freeing everyone in phenac you need to go to the mayor and he gives you an xp share as reward.