After defeating Red, turn on your Radio on any Wednesday and tune to the Pokemon Music Channel. With the Hoenn Music on, walk through the grass in certain areas of the game and you may encounter a Plusle or Minun (or even other Hoenn Pokemon!).
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
Minun are very rare in Sapphire. You find them in the same place that you find Plusle on route 110. The chance of finding a Minun in Ruby is about 15% whereas in Sapphire it''s only 2%. They are there, although they're very hard to find. If you don't want to search for one yourself, you could ask any friends that have the Ruby version to catch a Minun for you and then trade it for something.
You can either find them on some certain Electric-Type Pokemon,like,Plusle,Minun,Magnemite,and maybe Voltorb.I think there is only a 5% chance of it holding a Magnet. Or beat the Trick Master's 3rd Puzzle in the Trick House.the prize you will get is a Magnet. When held by a Pokemon,the Magnet raises the power of its Electric-Type Moves.
after speaking to the owner it is in the trophy garden on some days
You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
you find them on a outbreak
When You start the game, Plusle or Minun will appear depending on which gender You choose. If You choose male, You get Minun. If You choose female, You get Plusle. The Pokémon You did not get as a partner will be registered in Your Browser, when You beat the game.
Minun are very rare in Sapphire. You find them in the same place that you find Plusle on route 110. The chance of finding a Minun in Ruby is about 15% whereas in Sapphire it''s only 2%. They are there, although they're very hard to find. If you don't want to search for one yourself, you could ask any friends that have the Ruby version to catch a Minun for you and then trade it for something.
yes it have a spoink in the way from mt.chimeny to lavarage town and you can find plusle minun near mauvile and near the bike rode
Minun can be found in Artisan Cave.
OK, so you got a plusle now for the rare one, minun! Method 1: Go to the throphy garden after you get national dex. Talk 2 mr backlot until he says that there are cute minun in his back yard (If he see's somthing else turn off without saving and do it again until he see's a minun) Run about in his garden and you should find one! Method 2: Migrate it from ruby, sapphire or emerald! Happy minun hunting!
Minun are very rare in Sapphire. You find them in the same place that you find Plusle on route 110. The chance of finding a Minun in Ruby is about 15% whereas in Sapphire it''s only 2%. They are there, although they're very hard to find. If you don't want to search for one yourself, you could ask any friends that have the Ruby version to catch a Minun for you and then trade it for something.
On Pokemon Diamond and Pearl find Igglybuff in the Trophu Garden on route 212 near Hearthome City, through the big mansion and into the garden. Find staravia, roselia, igglybuff, eevee, plusle, minun and some other common and rare pokemon!!
New Mauville Once you have surf, Plusle and Minun North of Slateport, Pikachu I think in the safari zone, and electrode in the team aqua base
Tall Grass: Raticate, Rattata, Spearow, Growlithe, Murkrow, Houndour. Headbutt on trees: Spearow, Heracross, Combee Hoenn Sound: Minun, Plusle Sinnoh Sound: Shinx
well, after you get the national pokedex from professer oak, go to that mansion at route 212. talk to Bachlot about his trophy garden.(it might take a while until he talks about a kissing minun) when he does the butler will say that minun doesn't exist in the gardn. when he leaves go to the garden and hopefully you will find a minun. i hope that helps.