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To fined Giovanni in the game corrner go to the northeast corrner there will be a team rocket man infront of a poster deat him and then press (A) on the poster and then stairs will apear.

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Q: How do you find Giovanni in the game corner in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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After defeating Giovanni at his Rocket Headquarters in Celadon City he should give it to you.

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you can find/get it in the game corner at celadon city for 4,500 coins

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A lot can be found in the Celladon Dept Store, or the Rocket Game Corner

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safari zone in fushia city or a buy him at the game corner with game coins

Where is the hm 6 on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Go to one island and find the ember spa there is an old man in there in a corner he has HM6

Where to find a polygon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Rocket game corner for 6500 coins only way unless trade with a person

Where is Giovanni in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Giovanni Will appear 3times first in the game corner you beat a dude and turn the switch behind the poster after defeat all team rocket to get to Giovanni Second in saffron city in silph company and it's some sort of maze Finally in saffron gym he's the leader

Where do you find piplup in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.

Can you find cynaquil in Pokemon LeafGreen?

No, you cannot find cyndaquil in LeafGreen.

Pokemon LeafGreen where are locations of hard to find Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen?

you should go to gamestop