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Gary (Or blue) is hanging out on Cinnebar Island, but you have to beat all the other Kanto leaders before you can challnge him.

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Q: How do you find Gary on Pokemon HeartGold?
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Where are places you can get messages for your Pokemon in HeartGold?

daisy (gary's sister)and blues sister

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No you cannot find Gary in Pokemon black/white but you can find him in the kanto region.

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You can't find registeel in Pokemon HeartGold.

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You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.

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unkowns {pokemon}

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You cannot find Latios in Pokemon HeartGold unless you went on wi-fi and got the Enigma Stone

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get seven grooms from daisy then talk to her again and shell give you his number

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There is no such thing.

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You can't

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You can't