You can't find the real Bella Goth without cheats or mods.
Actully if you go to strange town you can somtimes find her walknig by your house or at a community lot.
No. you cant marry Bella at the Goth manor. But you can be girlfriend and girlfriend or girlfriend and boyfriend. Thanks for your question
Without Pleasant View I'm not sure. But if you type BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat box, Press Shift and your sim at once, keep pressing that and click spawn: Tombstone of L&D. A grave will appear. Click it. Press add neighbour to family and browse until you find Bella. She'll have no memory of anything though.
This is sorta a secret, but I'll tell you where to find Bella.There is no Bella Goth in the sims 3! But there is Mortimer, right, Mortimer Goth?, as a kid! So let's think, Bella dissappeared as an adult, right? So she was a kid, and is in the sims 3. Her name is Bella Bachelor which is the name she had before getting married. She is about 9. I'm not exactly sure. She lives with her parents Simis and Jocasta Bachelor in the Bachelor household.
She can be your roommate with Sims 2 for PC or Mac, but I don't know about PSP
Yes, just give her a call, and she will come. But she cannot be a romate because she is not a townie.
no Bella Goth was not having affair she was tricking Don Lorthario.
You can't date Bella Goth on the Sims Social. Sorry :/
No. you cant marry Bella at the Goth manor. But you can be girlfriend and girlfriend or girlfriend and boyfriend. Thanks for your question
Bella Goth
You can find Bella Goth using this cheat boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true Then spawn The Tombstone of L and D In the goth family interact with the grave then press add neighbour one of them will say Bella press on it then Bella Goth will appear but she doesn't have her memories hope this helped _______________________OR___________________________ The non cheat/mod way is to play in StrangeTown neighborhood, she will walk by your house. I assume to increase the chance of that happening is to create or play a guy with Love aspiration and with Freetime expansion maxout the Love aspiration skill which is "your preferred gender will coincidentally pass by", although my sim wasn't max at the time, still Bella Goth pass by, I guess i was lucky. The computer will generate random sims from its archive or start a new sims if its run out, you just got to be patient. And if you don't have the freetime expansion try going to downtown or jst store within the neighborhood as often because even that will increase the chance of "computer random spawn" of Bella Goth. Sidenote: so far Im trying to woo her to see if she have any memory.
Bella is hidden in Pleasantview and can only be found using various cheats. The Bella Goth in Strange Town is not the real one, she is a decoy.
No, you cannot marry Bella Goth in the classic Sims games. She is already married to Mortimer Goth. However, you may be able to download a mod that allows you to marry Bella in some versions of the game.
Go to Strangetown, pick a family, wait a little while, She is a NPC in Strangetown
2 get Bella goth back press go on the goth at the same time Ctrl,SHIFTand c then type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true then press ENTER then hold down shift and then click on a member of the goth family and select more until u find the tomb stone of L and D (Life and Death) so click on it then select spawn - click on add new family member from the neighbourhood (i cant really remember that bit so u just have to click on somin allong those lines) anyway once uve clicked on add new family member from neighbourhood keep clickin more till u find Bella so select it and voila! Bella Goth its an ace cheat P.S-wen i did it Bella goth wasnt married to mortimer so BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without Pleasant View I'm not sure. But if you type BoolProp testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat box, Press Shift and your sim at once, keep pressing that and click spawn: Tombstone of L&D. A grave will appear. Click it. Press add neighbour to family and browse until you find Bella. She'll have no memory of anything though.