First u get medicine from across the sea then go to the light house and get to the top floor and give it to her....her Pokemon then will be healed and she'll go to gym then u can fight her.
hope i helped!!
you go to olivine then battle jasmine
She has 3 pokemon. She has a Steelix and 2 magnimite
In Pokemon Crystal.
in every game except gold and silver and crystal there are 8 badges, gold silver and crystal have 16 cause you can fight the kanto and johto leaders.
What the hell is a Pokemon crystal
you go to olivine then battle jasmine
Jasmine's Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground types, so those are recommended to fight with her with.
Crystal Jasmine Day is 5' 5".
Take a waz on picatchu and then proceed to laugh
At the end of the elite 4 he is the champion.
Fight The Elite Four!
Sorry, you can't in Pokemon Heartgold. But you can in Emerald, Ruby, Saphire and crystal.
the fith gym leader in crystal is on an Island in the southwest of Johto. use surf to get to him
u meet him in mohagany town after you fight the red gyradose
Go back to Olivine City and give the medicine to Jasmine. Then fight her at the gym.
Typically, Pokemon Liquid Crystal should not freeze after beating the Elite Four. You may need to restart your system before you fight them next time.
I preference pokemon crystal