First you must get all 6 Soul unions to get in the area were he is, then you must get all the standard chips to fight him
the samw way you find him in Gregar , go to the undernet zero from green area ( examine the back of the big tree in green area 2 ) move around until you find Bass and defeat him , then go to the Graveyard and defeat Bass SP ( you need all the standered chips to battle him ). if you have already done this , just go to underground 2 , go to the plateform where you battle Falzar Beast megaman . you will battle Falzar Beast megaman SP first , then you will battle Bass BX .
Free Bass from undernet 7 and delete serenade in 40 secs
A Big bass is a very rare fish which you stand a very low chance of catching whilst fishing regular Bass. Big bass is not tradeable and has no use apart from being stuffed and mounted in your house.
Dark Neo Castle : Neozone Enter Bass : Forte The Real Identity : Lunar The Aura Dragon : Truth The Second Battle(Aura) : Bossfight *Sorry this is as much as I could find*
You haft to take off all of your penguins clothes and Keep the bass on and hit D on the keyboard :)
In Megaman Battle Network 6, It doesn't have The Undernet 3, but it has Undernet Zero where you can fight Bass at there.
Bass is not just in Battle Network, just as Megaman is not just in Battle Network; he is merely that series' incarnation of the franchised character. The name Bass is the English version of the name, and is meant to correspond with the robowolf Treble (get it!?). Treble is Bass's version of Megaman's robodog Rush. In Battle Network, Treble is effectively converted into Gospel, as the features are similar and the two team up at the end of MMBN 3 to create the super powerful BassGS, or Bass Gospel Soul.
Nope, but you can get a chip from Bass.
i dont not if this is right but you must beat bass in nebula hole 6
yes, but you need a game shark
NapalmMan's door is unlocked when you get every NaviChip in the game except for PharoahMan, NapalmMan, PlanetMan, and Bass.
the samw way you find him in Gregar , go to the undernet zero from green area ( examine the back of the big tree in green area 2 ) move around until you find Bass and defeat him , then go to the Graveyard and defeat Bass SP ( you need all the standered chips to battle him ). if you have already done this , just go to underground 2 , go to the plateform where you battle Falzar Beast megaman . you will battle Falzar Beast megaman SP first , then you will battle Bass BX .
you cant okey gees you guys ain to smart you can't, but you can use bass gs and a few attack +30's to do close to 1000.
Square Enix
Try Actually, try searching that on Google. You'll likely get tons of usable hits.
You have to get all of the standard chips or use the action replay cheat that lets you walk on air. You face Bass inside, so be careful.