Hospital Comp 2. But not from the hospital basement: from Beach 1 using the hospital code which Mamoru gives you.
Chip traders OR from volcano family viruses in the Undernet and Secret Areas that you S rank in Custom style with standard chips.
Fire + 30 is obtained from the bugfrag trader in Undernet 2 using the gargoyle on HadesIsle. Blackbomb 2 is behind Flashman's security cube.
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go to and type in gameshake codes for megaman battle network 1
He is deep in Undernet 4. Once you get to him, that starts the Django side quest.
Serenade from Megaman Battlenetwork 3 is a boy, as he is referred to by both Lan and Megaman as a boy, and holds the title of UnderKing. I cannot account for other characters named Serenade in the Megaman franchise, though they are likely the same gender.
When it comes to games, there is the original Megaman series, the Megaman X series, Megaman Zero series, Megaman ZX series, Megaman Legends, Megaman Battlenetwork, and Megaman Starforce. He has also appeared in various Capcom fighter games. When it comes to TV series, there is Megaman.EXE, Axess, Stream, Beast, and Beast+ as well as a full-length feature film from the Stream storyline.
Specify the Megaman Battlenetwork game you're referring to--there are multiple Undernets in the series, and without a specific game to reference, the question is impossible to answer.
In Megaman Battlenetwork 3, the WWW ID is available from one of the Sci-Lab jobs, available from the Job BBS. I think it's the job called "Help with Rehab." Go to the Hospital TV to complete it.
The anime created from the Megaman Battlenetwork series is called Megaman NT Warrior. They are broken up into subseries, beginning with .EXE, then Axess, Stream, Beast, and Beast+. And the main character is named Lan. Thought it's really his NetNavi, Megaman.EXE.
In the Megaman Battlenetwork series, Hub is Lan's twin brother who died of the fictitious disease HBD at the age of one. Lan's father incorporated Hub's DNA into the coding of the original NetNavi, creating Megaman. In a sense, Megaman is Hub. The game makes a linguistic joke, as both LAN and hub are computer terms.
Hospital Comp 2. But not from the hospital basement: from Beach 1 using the hospital code which Mamoru gives you.
Chip traders OR from volcano family viruses in the Undernet and Secret Areas that you S rank in Custom style with standard chips.
The styles in MegaMan BattleNetwork 3 Blue are: Custom, Team, Guts, Shield, Bug, and the Blue version exclusive Shadow. They will be in tandem with the four elements fire, water, electric, and wood.
Oh boy. Search Megaman Battlenetwork 3 White ROM on Google and you'll get enough hits on the first page to download at least 3. But don't ask that question. Please.
Assuming this is Recover 30 *, you can troll ACDC for mystery data, and it'll eventually pop up. That's really the only way.