In Pokémon Crystal you can't evolve Magneton any further, because Magnezone was introduced with the IV gen games (Diamon and Pearl, Platinum).
you might not be able to because magneton evolves at mount coronet and it has to evolve there so if you do not have platinum or diamond version then i think you should trade with a friend that has platinum or diamond version and ask them to evolve it and to show them your thanks you should evolve one of THEIR Pokemon to show your thanks. I hope this helped :D
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.
In Goldenrod city, but only in the Japenese version of Pokemon Crystal.
By trading one from gold/silver and cloning it Dani (the girl Pokemon trainer on Pokemon crystal version) By trading one from gold/silver and cloning it Dani (the girl Pokemon trainer on Pokemon crystal version)
You level Magneton up while at Chargestone Cave, and it will evolve into Magnezone.
no,it is not because magnozone was released after firered and leafgreen were may transfer a magneton then envovle it,but you can't obtain a magnezone in the kanto games.
u got 2 trade it from diamond,pearl,or platinum
yo, crystal version is maed old, dude. Thier coming out with a new kind of crystal next year.
you might not be able to because magneton evolves at mount coronet and it has to evolve there so if you do not have platinum or diamond version then i think you should trade with a friend that has platinum or diamond version and ask them to evolve it and to show them your thanks you should evolve one of THEIR Pokemon to show your thanks. I hope this helped :D
You don't have to level it up at a certain level. You have to level it up in chargestone cave and it will evolve into magnezone.
Magnemite,Voltorb,and Magneton.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
To trade Pokemon from Pokemon Crystal version to another version of Crystal you need to use a link cable. You can also battle this way.
In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.
Crystal version.
In Pokémon Black 2, Magneton will evolve once it levels up while it is in the Chargestone Cave.