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You train it until it reaches level 32.

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Q: How do you evolve horsea in soul silver?
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What lv does horsea evolve at in Pokemon soul silver?

Level 32

What level does horsea evolve into kingdra in Pokemon HeartGold?

horsea does not evolve into kingdra. you have to evolve your horsea into a sedra (at lvl 32). then you have to give it a king scale and trade it to someone for it to evolve into kingdra.

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no hitmonlee does not evolve

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Dunsparce does not evolve.

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You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.

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Luvdisc does not evolve from, or into anything.

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Actually....Shuckle doesn't evolve at all

Where to get horsea in silver?

You can get a Horsea in Pokemon Silver by finding it at the Whirl Islands.

What level does Spiritomb evolve in soul silver?

Spiritomb doesn't evolve.

What level does lombre evolve in soul silver?

you have to evolve it with a water stone

What level does donphan evolve in soul silver?

Donphan doesn't evolve.