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max out it's beauty

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Q: How do you evolve feebas n platinum?
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How do you evolve a feebas in Pokemon platinum?

You have to level up feebas with maximum beauty, which can be done by giving it poffins. It can evolve at any level as long as it has maximum beauty.

How do you get Milotic in Pokemon Platinum?

you can't just find it you have to evolve a feebas signed:hartm017

On Pokemon platinum how do you see a Milotic without battling synthia?

Evolve Feebas

Can you get a Milotic on Pokemon platinum?

sure u can capture a feebas and evolve with max beauty (poffin) train the feebas (with beauty already in max) one level and it gotta evolve

When does feebas evolve?

Anyway, to evolve Feebas into Milotic, your Feebas has to have its max beauty, then after that level it up by 1. And then Feebas will evolve into Milotic.

Can boy feebas evolve?

Yes male Feebas can evolve in fact all Feebas can evolve regardless of gender.

On Pokemon platinum how do you get your feebas to evolve?

its the same as D/P you max its beauty yes u do

How can you evolve a Feebas on Pokefarm?

The Feebas' beauty must be at its maximum in order to evolve.

What level does Feebas evolve in Pokemon white?

In Pokemon Black And White, Feebas will evolve into Milotic by happiness, and, as i recall, berries, this process is easier if it were 'Poke Transfered' from Platinum, Diamond, Pearl, Soul Silver or Heartgold, as you can feed a Feebas Poffins (Beaty) until it won't take anymore. Than you level it up once and it will evolve into Milotic.

Are there any other ways to evolve a Feebas into a Milotic on Pokemon Diamond without maxing out it's Beauty?

In Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Saphire, Ruby, and Emerald, the only way to evolve Feebas is to max out its Beauty condition, which is extremely challenging.

Will Feebas evolve if its beauty isn't maxed?

No, it will not evolve. In order to evolve, Feebas must be at max beauty.

How do you get Milotic on Pokemon platinum?

The only ways are-- 1.Cheat 2.Trade 3.Evolve Feebas( catch in mt.coronet )