You can't evolve Electabuzz in Leaf Green or Fire Red. It's evolution, Electivire, was not created until the Diamond/Pearl generation. Therefore, it's not in the national dex for FR/LG.
you cant
You can't evolve Yanma in Leafgreen. This is because Leafgreen was made before Yanmega was made. So basically in Leafgreen, Yanma is a Pokemon that can't evolve.
You can't on leafgreen.
Aerodactyl does not evolve lolk?
Rhydon, in Pokemon FR/LG, does not evolve.
No Electrabuzz does not evolve because something evolves into him or her.SorryEmail Me If You Think Other Pokemon Evolveemail agameiaincom@hotmail.comEMAIL MENOW!!!!!!!!!
you cant
You have to trade it with an Electrizer on it.
You cant evolve eletrabuzz After it evolves from the first stage
You can't evolve Yanma in Leafgreen. This is because Leafgreen was made before Yanmega was made. So basically in Leafgreen, Yanma is a Pokemon that can't evolve.
You can't on leafgreen.
You can get an Electabuzz in LeafGreen by TRADING it form Firered.
you cannot evolve a porygon2 in leafgreen