You need top get your preztail to eat a bone and then it will turn in to a pianna x gd luck x
The pretztail, in Trouble in Paradise, is evolved by feeding it a bone into the Sieena.
Press the start button.
Jeli appears level 6 to obtain it you must wack it with the shovel
Salamango (feed a Newtgat a chilli)Twingersnap (romance a Syrupent and on the eggs 3rd bounce poke it)Fourheads (do the same but romance a Twingersnap instead of a Syrupent)Candary (feed a Sparrowmint a buttercup flower)Redhott (make a Taffly fly through a firebrand and when it lands water it)Lacktoad (get a nightshade berry and make your Lickatoad eat it and hit it with your shovel or it will get sick)Juicygoose (get a gooseberry and make a Quackberry eat it,it will evolve)Zumbug (feed a blackberry to a Horstacio, and it will evolve)Hope you make a great garden!!!!!!!
The pretztail, in Trouble in Paradise, is evolved by feeding it a bone into the Sieena.
you cant but can change the colour
you evolve it by eating two doenuts you now have mallowolf
Yes, but it is very hard. I did it but it took me forever to do.
To get a Candary simply feed a Sparrowmint a buttercup and it will evolve into a Candary.
You need to make a newtget evolve into one by feeding it a chilli pepper.
I remember having to be at level 10 for pocket paradise. Hope this helps!
so i bet your wondering what the last level is on...... viva pinata pocket paradise!well the answer is 11.the last level onviva pinata pocket paradise is 11Isn't it supposed to go up to Level 26?
You can't
It is already released.