Hope you make a great garden!!!!!!!
Press the start button.
dragumfly macaracoon hootfruity chocstrich sour macaracoon sweettooth level 8 sour crocodile crocodile and more and please help me get past level 10 i only have won flower left and no pinata awards left help hope this helped luv chealsee
Jeli appears level 6 to obtain it you must wack it with the shovel
You can download the Viva Pinata demo on the XBOX 360 Marketplace for free or you can get this demo on the Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (comes with the Xbox 360 ARCADE console). The Viva Pinata T.I.P demo is also available in the marketplace for free. The Pocket Paradise Demo is currently unavaliable for download.
you get them by evolving your pinatas check out:http://www.ign.com/cheats/games/viva-pi241ata-pocket-paradise-nds-953406this site will help you get some thing you couldn't before.and this one will get you your evolution's:What_pinatas_evolve_in_pocket_paradise_viva_pinata
Use action replay or sell old pinatas and flower heads and fruit etc.
you evolve it by eating two doenuts you now have mallowolf
Yes, but it is very hard. I did it but it took me forever to do.
an easy way to get money is to copy your file after you have unlocked the post officeand send all your money and pinatas to the other file- sell pinatas and you get more money!
You must romance pinatas you have not romanced yet or discover stuff like new produce or variants.
To get a Candary simply feed a Sparrowmint a buttercup and it will evolve into a Candary.
You need to make a newtget evolve into one by feeding it a chilli pepper.
Well lets just say that my sparrowmint evolved into a candary but it was odd though, first thing it was in a romantic mood and the next minute it had evolved! I don't know how it happened, sorry. That is all I know at the moment.
so i bet your wondering what the last level is on...... viva pinata pocket paradise!well the answer is 11.the last level onviva pinata pocket paradise is 11Isn't it supposed to go up to Level 26?
You can't