You cannot. Trade with UpGrade to get Porygon2. Trade Porygon2 with Dubious Disk to get PorygonZ, but you have to trade either way.
Try the GTS trick.
Give porygon an upgrade and trade it it evolve it. And of course you have to trade it back. Try this in Pokémon go!
Well that depends if you just looking for for your pokedex then just look in route 216 for porygon2 but i think there is a possible way to make porygon evolve i recommend training it until it evolves. hope that helped. porygon can only evolve through trade it must also hold up- grade ( PS. any1 who helps this answer i thank u.)
There is no legitimate way to evolve it without trading.
This item can be found in the game it can be used to evolve a Porygon to Porygon2 by trading it to someone.
Try the GTS trick.
Trading it while it is holding the item Upgrade
you evolve a porygon by trading it. then you get porygon 2. then you evolve porygon 2 by trading. then you get porygon-z. P.S. if you still want your porygon 2/Z trade back. make sure you get it back trade with your brother,sister,friend ECT.
All of Pokemon evolve without trading EXCEPT- Kadabra Dusclops Electabuzz Haunter Graveler Clamperl Seadra Machoke Magmar Poliwhirl Porygon & 2 Rhydon Scyther Slowbro Onix The list of Pokemon can evolve with trading.
Porygon can only be evolved through trading while holding the "upgrade" item. This will evolve it into porygon2. It can be evolved again by trading a porygon2 while it is holding the "dubious disc" item which will evolve it into porygon-Z
Give porygon an upgrade and trade it it evolve it. And of course you have to trade it back. Try this in Pokémon go!
An upgrade is the item you nedd Porygon to hold. Trade it, and it will evolve to Porygon-2. Afterwards, the Dubious Disc is used for evolving Porygon-2 to Porygon-Z in the same way.
ether for evolv'n porygon or porygon not sure. you atach it to one of those Pokemon when trading and it will evolve
porygon 2 evolves to porygon z i think, I'm not sure
You can use Upgrade to evolve your Porygon into Porygon 2. To do this. Make your Porygon hold the Upgrade in a trade. (This will only work if trading it to a G/S or newer game.)
Well that depends if you just looking for for your pokedex then just look in route 216 for porygon2 but i think there is a possible way to make porygon evolve i recommend training it until it evolves. hope that helped. porygon can only evolve through trade it must also hold up- grade ( PS. any1 who helps this answer i thank u.)
There is no legitimate way to evolve it without trading.