This item can be found in the game it can be used to evolve a Porygon to Porygon2 by trading it to someone.
In order to evolve Porygon into Porygon2, you must give it the Upgrade item and then trade it to another game.
Evolve an Oddish to Gloom then use a Sun Stone to further evolve it to Bellossom. You must have the National Pokedex upgrade in order to evolve it otherwise nothing will happen.
you make a porygon hold it and then when you trade it it evolves into porygon2
== == == == First u hav 2 complete the Sinnoh Pokedex, then go to to your prof., and you will get da national pokedex.This special upgrade is given to you by prof oak after becoming a Pokemon champion that means you defeating the elite four and the current champion who is your rival. Also besides that you will need to register 60 different kinds of Pokemon in the pokedex if all that is accomplished show prof oak your pokedex to receive the upgrade!
Get a porygon 2 make it hold the upgrade and then trade. -Hope I Helped!
If you give it to porygon and trade it, porygon will evolve
Pokemon Tower. Why?You have to beat the Trainers Tower and the guy on the roof top will give you Upgrade.
you can make porygon hold it then you trade it and it turns into a porygon-2
If held by Porygon during a trade it can become Porygon-2.
Have it hold upgrade trade it to a friend then take it back to receive porygon2.
In order to evolve Porygon into Porygon2, you must give it the Upgrade item and then trade it to another game.
You can get King's Rock, Metal Coat, Upgrade, and Dragon Scale by beating the Pokemon tower on one of the islands ( not sure which one, to lazy to look).
Evolving porygon into porygon2. Have porygon hold the upgrade then trade it. It will evolve into porygon2
On seven island, go to the battle tower and complete it, the guy at the top will give you differant prizes for winning, one of them is an up-grade. Pagers, Your main man.
Evolve an Oddish to Gloom then use a Sun Stone to further evolve it to Bellossom. You must have the National Pokedex upgrade in order to evolve it otherwise nothing will happen.
you make a porygon hold it and then when you trade it it evolves into porygon2