Its kirlia
If you have a boy kirlia use a dawn stone to evolve into Gallade
if you want a gardevoir train to at least 30
You trade Haunter to another Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version and it will evolve into a Gengar. You will need to trade back to your original Diamond game to get the Gengar. Hope I helped, bye
Bunneary evolves when you max out it's happiness. It can evolve at any level.
The electrizer on Pokemon Diamond is used by Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire. To get the electrizer in Pokemon Diamond you must have inserted Pokemon Firered in the game boy slot.
Same way you evolve a Machoke in any other Pokemon game. You have to trade it to a different generation four Pokemon game. (ex. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum or HeartGold/SoulSilver)
A Magikarp should evolve at about lvl 40 on Pokemon diamond
he does not evolve in diamond or any game
In the Platinum Guidebook all it says for finding Kirlia in Pearl is "Route 203 [use Poke Radar]", though I'm pretty sure you need the National Pokedex first.
no golduck does not evolve in any Pokemon game
You trade Haunter to another Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version and it will evolve into a Gengar. You will need to trade back to your original Diamond game to get the Gengar. Hope I helped, bye
Bunneary evolves when you max out it's happiness. It can evolve at any level.
Octillery doesn't evolve in any game period, but Remoraid evolves into Octillery at Lv24.
In Diamond and Pearl, and in Black and White 1 and 2, it does not evolve, nor in any other Pokemon game.
you have to use a leaf stone on weepinbell to get Victreebel
no luvdisc can't evolve in diamond
Shaymin does not evolve in Pokemon Diamond.
Scyther will evolve into Scizor once you trade it to another player's game while it's holding a Metal Coat.
it does not evolve at a specific level, you have to trade it to a Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum game and level it up by one in mt. coronet