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you use a fire stone on eevee to evolve it into flareon thunder stone = jolton water stone = vaporeon full happenes in day you get espeon night time you get umbreon
You cannot evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon in Pokémon HeartGold, you would have to trade it to either Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl or Pokémon Platinum and evolve it into a Glaceon there and then trade it back to HeartGold.

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Q: How do you evolve Eevee in Pokemon HeartGold?
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Evolve Eevee, or trade.

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get an eevee and evolve it into a thunderstone

How can you evolve your Eevee to a Vaporeon in Pokemon HeartGold?

A water stone

How do you evolve Eevee to Umbreon in Pokemon Heartgold?

To make Eevee evolve into an Umbreon, you have to level it up with high happiness at night.

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you can find a leaf stone in viridian forest in kanto in heartgold

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Eevee can not evolve into porygon.

In Pokemon HeartGold how do you evolve eevee into umbreon?

Level it up at night whilst it has high happiness.

Can eevee evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

It depends on where you have found it and in soulsilver or heartgold........

Where do you evolve your Eevee into Glaceon in Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold?

u can't u have to level up eevee near snowpoint city in diamond/pearl/platinum and trade into soulsilver and heartgold

When does Eevee evolve into Umbreon in Pokemon Heartgold?

make sure it loves you by giving it haircuts and massages and train it at night.If you do that it should evolve

How do you get Evee to evolve to galicion?

In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, an Eevee cannot evolve into a Glaceon. You can trade with other trainers from Diamond, Pearl and Platinum to get one.

What Pokemon evolve with a water stone in heartgold?

Poliwhirl to Poliwrath Shellder to Cloyster Staryu to Starmie Eevee to Vaporeon Lombre to Ludicolo