you know where lugia comes out swimming in the water..... well press these buttons at the same time: select + B+up.then you get to start a new game!
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups) have to go to the screen where it says "POKEMON PEARL press start" 2. then press up, select, and b all together. you will be able to delete your saved game.
The information is if you select new game read that information i think it's y down and select at the pic of dialga...
that's just yours...
just go into your data managment where all your games get saved and erase the saved data and you will be able to start a new game.
Go to your saved games and Press delete.
you just have to press L+Up+B+select
yes and even crystal,gold,silver and all gbc games save on vba
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)
Simply press: SELECT, B,and UP
A kitty
You will delete all of your saved data Pokemon and items
Make a new one
Pokemon Black and White will be coming soon and you can transfer your saved data to your PC and play. have to go to the screen where it says "POKEMON PEARL press start" 2. then press up, select, and b all together. you will be able to delete your saved game.