at the main screen press up SELECT and B together, it is kind of worthless to me because it doesn't work so hope it works if it doesn't work, go to gamestop and they'll probably be able to get rid of it 4 you
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)
you can't
you can't, so your screwed.
Some Pokemon games are bootlegged and fake: if it says before the the blue screen menu the saved file is ok or the saved file has been deleted, the game is an illegal copy. Nothing you can do about it.
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)
If you erase your Pokemon file on any Pokemon game it is impossible to bring it back.
click new file
it tells you how
Press Up + SELECT + B Button on the title screen if you want to erase the current saved game file
put new file but you have to save the new file
if you wantto erase your file start new file then save if that doesn't work hold sel start l r a and b?
It's impossible for you to transfer a pokemon from an unsaved file into a saved file. So even if you have a pokemon you really want to transfer you can't it's impossible! :) Hope I didn't dissapoint you!
On the title screen hold Up, Select and B to bring up the delete all saved file screen press A on YES to delete your file or press NEW GAME then use the SAVE option to erase the other file.
up select and b at the same time
you can't
No, you cannot. Once you delete, there is no way to get it back. There is nothing that it is saved on.