

Best Answer

just enter and go in, wow. you are dumb not knowing that whoever asked this question

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Q: How do you enter the peterburg city gym?
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You enter the gym... what the bloody hell do you think.

How do ou enter hearthome city gym?

Some of my friends asked me that, and all I needed to do was get all the gym bages before that gym.

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First find the gym leader on cinnibar island then go to viridian city you can now enter the gym.

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If my memory is correct nothing is needed to enter the Blackthorn Gym.

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Yes. You will get one as you enter the fourth gym city.

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Sankt Peterburg

Where is Saint Peterburg?

St. Petersburg is a Russian city on the Baltic Sea.

Where do you go after the forth gym leader in Pokemon diamond?

I think you have to go back to Hearthome city. There you can enter the gym and fight Fantina.

What you have to after winning fourth gym?

go to petalburg city again and enter gym to fight with your dad and you must also win to succeed.

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Burgh is at the far end of where you first enter the city. The last street is where his Gym is.

How do you get fifth badge in Pokemon sappire?

you just have to go to petaburg city and enter in the gym