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Impossible. It simply isn't coded into the game catridge. Don't bother with it. Even if you try to find it in any of the map editors, you would soon realize there is nothing inside at all.

It was scrapped due to time constraints. This is also the reason why the Kanto Region looks so "Empty".

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go to the 4th lake of the sinnoh region which u can find on the map to the east,it will hav a spring in it and u got into the spring and climb a wall and enter a cave,then keep going straight until u reach a portal to the torn world. u will need rock climb and rock smash to do this,and once ur in the torn world u will get an item that will keep giratina in its orgin form even when ur not in the torn world

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go to spear pillar like before and enter the torn worn world.also known as the reverse world.then follow mesprit,aself and uxie's instructions. but they wont talk. Warning:one wrong step and your stuck in the torn/reverse world forever or check out

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If you mean distortion world the go to mount coronet's peak in Pokemon platinum

If you die by Cyrus can you go back to the torn world in Pokemon platinum?

Yes You have to until you beat him

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It can only be acsessed from Pokemon Platinum. At the top of Mt. Coronet, Giratina will open a portal to this reckless world.

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