for death students, this should be easy. just learn all the death spells. Behind the door is the REAL death school, not the stupid kid in the jester hat. if you aren't a death student, TOUGH LUCK!!!
behind the door is leaf green u enter the Pokemon leaf green world
there is no secret place behind him like on the map when u click the dojo and then on the side there is a door that is the secret place but you can only enter if you are a ninja
Krokotopia is in the spiral. The only way you can gain access is to finish Wizard City, then Professor Ambrose will give you access to the spiral door in Bartleby. You may teleport to a friend, but you still will not be allowed to enter whenever you want.
Witch ever world you are in will have a place you can go to and there will be a door when you get close to the door hit x and it will ask what world you want to go to and click any one of them then at the bottom click go to world
No, barrel behind the door only switches effect damage, since wall of revealing light is paying a cost it is not damage and you can not chain barrel behind the door to it.
You either have to be a death wizard, beat Wizard city or whatever its called, or have a death wizard friend and teleport to him/her while your friends is inside of the death door.
you need to consult vragose he is a rare warloc who is only seen once a year.
Go to the commons. Go behind the rainbow bridge and a waterfall should be behind it. Enter the waterfall and you see a door with the death symbol on it. If you're not a member, become friends with someone who is a member and ask them to go through the door. You transport to them, and then you have Nightside in front of you.
To enter the Nightside area in Wizard101, you need to complete the quest "The Sixth School" given by Merle Ambrose. This quest involves visiting different areas in Wizard City and obtaining information from various characters. Once you complete this quest, you will gain access to the Nightside through the Fairegrounds in Unicorn Way.
Wait there until you see someone. Click them and wait. If they pass through the door, add him/her as your buddy. If they accept, teleport to them.
you go into bartleby and enter through the door. and wizard 101 getts really boaring after a while.
behind the door is leaf green u enter the Pokemon leaf green world
No. You do not. However you have to get a certain key which is unknown at the moment. But I do know you also have to reach level 12!
In Wizard101, you can access the Night Side by completing quests in Nightside, which is located in Wizard City. To get there, take the spiral door located in the Shopping District. Once you enter Nightside, you can explore the area and continue your quests.
You have to jump on the car and hide behind the bush to the left of the door then when Rowley's dad goes to the car click on the door, and if you're jumping on the car and nohings happenning its probably because you have the wizard guide not the wizard cd.
go to the waterfall in the commons behind th rainbow bridge. you enter and see a cave bearing the death symbol. if you're not a member, get a friend who is a member and ask them to go in there and you transport to them. then you get the nightside. ta-da!
you go into the bushes that is closest to the door to the commons then behind the tree: You have your Smith (if you don't Get it then don't abuse me)