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No, barrel behind the door only switches effect damage, since wall of revealing light is paying a cost it is not damage and you can not chain barrel behind the door to it.

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Q: Can you chain barrel behind the door to wall of revealing light?
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When you play Wall of Revealing Light are you allowed to chain it with Ring of Defense?

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Swords of Revealing Light is Limited to one copy in both Advanced and Traditional formats.

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No its limited

How do you put the chain back in the light after it fell out?

if it came completley out of the socket you will have to replace the fixture, but if it came off the short chain that comes out there is a Barrel that you can put it back into, [simulular to a indefication chain] then take small pliers and gentley squeeze it shut,

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3 speed ceiling fan w light and pull chains single wall switch has blue for motor Tried black black blue and white white and both greens to bare etc Can get fan and light working but light stays on?

I had the same experience. If the fan turns on/off with its pull chain but the light doesn't, then the switch behind the light's pull-chain is broke and needs to be replaced.

What does the bull barrel for a 10 22 do?

A heavier (bull) barrel is stiffer than a light barrel. It does not vibrate during firing as a light barrel will. Combined with a steadier aim due to the increased weight, the combination produces greater accuracy.

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How does the barrel cactus feed?

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He opened the door. Light suddenly filled the room revealing the embarrassed couple embracing on the sofa.

Are your opponent's monsters Set after your Swords of Revealing Light is played flipped face-up?

No, Swords of Revealing Light only flips face-down monsters when it resolves. If any of the opponent's monsters are Set after that, even in the same turn they won't be flipped by it.